When BBC TV Top Gear’s presenter, Jeremy Clarkson test drove a Lamborghini Gallado (https://www.topgear.com/videos/jeremy-drives-lamborghini-gallardo-spyder-series-8-episode-7) he so liked the £131,000 car, he bought one.
It was on this, the less than a year old supercar, he was encouraged by one of our colleagues to try X-Carbon. They booked a VOSA (government approved) rolling road and ran the car firstly without X-Carbon and the findings were:
Then they added X-Carbon to the Lamborghini’s fuel tank and ran it again and the findings were:
The results: The addition of X-Carbon massively improved the Lamborghini’s performance and slashed its emissions:
Ø Horse Power was increased by 16.2
Ø Torque improved by 17.6 pounds per square foot
Ø Emissions were cut by more than 31%